Welcome to BRÚ UNION

Association of managers

Quality of life and safety for people of all ages


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Why become a member of BRÚ?

An association that meets the needs of its members

A reliable and prosperous association

Good insurance

Reliable wage agreements

Various grants (one grant does not impact another)

Great and good holiday benefits

Assistance in solving work-related problems

Management education

8 vacation houses

Various types of support for members in play and work

One grant does not affect another

Good health- and education fund

Strong social work since 1919

BRÚ – association of managers has a long and successful history. The association has been operating continuously since 1919, when the Reykjavík Foremen Association was founded.

In the first decades, the association dealt with the interests of foremen, but as the 20th century progressed, the association was opened to other managers and its name changed to BRÚ - association of managers. Apart from lobbying and helping members, vacation matters have always been an important part of the association's activities. In 2021, there were 5 holiday homes plus 2 caravans.

Education and lifelong learning have long characterized the association's work, as the association's strategy is to increase the skills and knowledge of the members. The association is a member of the management program at the University of Akureyri, which is 100% distance learning. The society has always provided entertainment for members and the association's Christmas Ball has been held every year since 1919. The association's 100th anniversary celebration was held in Háskólabíó with a big concert in the presence of many members. BRÚ's future is bright, a strategy has been set to make the work even stronger and better in the future.

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